How looks process of finding a job as software developer : Introduction


This is a NOT a professional advice.It based on my personal experience only and resources that I read on the internet.It will contain many grammar mistakes.Please drink double espresso and energy drink as an article is long and boring.

It is an extended version of my previous blog entry on my IT Blog which I wrote some time ago. It will be a series of short notes about various stages of recruitment and what I learnt from it. I hope you will enjoy it.

This is a list of notes:

  1. Answer on the question .i looking for
  2. Preparation
  3. How to write a good CV?
  4. How to write a good cover letter?
  5. Do I need Linkedin?
  6. Company’s job specification
  7. Recruiters
  8. Phone interview
  9. Homework (tests, task,etc.)
  10. Face to face interview
  11. Troubleshooting
  12. What to do, if you get 2 and more offers. (which one, I should choose?)
  13. Conclusion

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